HollywoodNews.com: Catholic leaders are apparently perturbed that Julia Roberts’ character in “Eat Pray Love” doesn’t bother to worship at a basilica in its Italian setting, despite feasting at every eatery in Rome. In addition, they are not pleased with Roberts protagonist indulging in an “unhealthy atmosphere of semi-idolatrous worship” as she beseeches the spiritual support of two Eastern gurus in the film. Officials at the Catholic News Service in Washington delivered a scathing review of the feature adaption of Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestselling memoirs. The service criticized, “Though she seemingly hits every restaurant in town, she gives the churches a pass, the implication being that she knows better than to look to Catholicism for insight.” The Catholic News service gave “Eat Pray Love” an L classification, which means “limited adult audience.” The organization believes that audiences will find the Julia Roberts headliner has “problematic content.” “Eat Pray Love” has made close to $30 million at the domestic B.O. to date. Julia Roberts recently revealed to Elle Magazine that she is a practicing Hindu. U.K.’s The Sun had the story. Photo Credit: Sony pd Follow Hollywood News on Twitter for up-to-date news information. Hollywood News, Hollywood Awards, Awards, Movies, News, Award News, Breaking News, Entertainment News, Movie News, Music News,
HollywoodNews.com: Catholic leaders are apparently perturbed that Julia Roberts’ character in “Eat Pray Love” doesn’t bother to worship at a basilica in its Italian setting, despite feasting at every eatery in Rome. In addition, they are not pleased with Roberts protagonist indulging in an “unhealthy atmosphere of semi-idolatrous worship” as she beseeches the spiritual support of two Eastern gurus in the film. Officials at the Catholic News Service in Washington delivered a scathing review of the feature adaption of Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestselling memoirs. The service criticized, “Though she seemingly hits every restaurant in town, she gives the churches a pass, the implication being that she knows better than to look to Catholicism for insight.” The Catholic News service gave “Eat Pray Love” an L classification, which means “limited adult audience.” The organization believes that audiences will find the Julia Roberts headliner has “problematic content.” “Eat Pray Love” has made close to $30 million at the domestic B.O. to date. Julia Roberts recently revealed to Elle Magazine that she is a practicing Hindu. U.K.’s The Sun had the story. Photo Credit: Sony pd Follow Hollywood News on Twitter for up-to-date news information. Hollywood News, Hollywood Awards, Awards, Movies, News, Award News, Breaking News, Entertainment News, Movie News, Music News,